Creative Co-Leaders

Carla and Thornley are the Inspirational Leaders and Mental Fitness Coaches

CarlaCPCC-Trained Coach

Carla supports male Engineers in designing their own work/home life balance. In addition to both of her ACC and Mental Fitness Coaching Certifications, she holds a BASc and worked in the Engineering Field for 12 years. Carla has a specialized skillset and first-hand knowledge to help other Engineers live to the fullest of their potential. Understanding the challenges her clients face from the inside out offers a rich meaningful experience.

CarlaCPCC-Trained Coach

Carla supports male Engineers in designing their own work/home life balance. In addition to both of her ACC and Mental Fitness Coaching Certifications, she holds a BASc and worked in the Engineering Field for 12 years. Carla has a specialized skillset and first-hand knowledge to help other Engineers live to the fullest of their potential. Understanding the challenges her clients face from the inside out offers a rich meaningful experience.

ThornleyErickson-Trained Coach

Thornley supports executives, teams, entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs in the pursuit of professional goals. She firmly believes the Axiogenics Program is a Gamechanger. Her certifications run from traditional coaching, mental fitness coaching, axiology, constellation coaching and is a certified by PrinciplesYou. She has decades of experience in Business Consulting and Mentoring. Using a hybrid approach, her clients get a 360 experience.

ThornleyErickson-Trained Coach

Thornley supports executives, teams, entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs in the pursuit of professional goals. She firmly believes the Axiogenics Program is a Gamechanger. Her certifications run from traditional coaching, mental fitness coaching, axiology, constellation coaching and is a certified by PrinciplesYou. She has decades of experience in Business Consulting and Mentoring. Using a hybrid approach, her clients get a 360 experience.


Click the Link below to Meet the Rest of the Erickson Team

Sampling of Our Services


Some people will take a good look at their lives and realize that not everything is going according to plan. Often, life gets in the way. Somewhere while going about the day-to-day routine, they get distracted from their intended path. A person’s attitude and perception of oneself, can play a part in this.

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Executive Coaching

The Executive, Entrepreneur or Business Management Coach plays a wide variety of business roles, and often does not concentrate on one specific field. Instead, they take a holistic view of your business to assist you in exploring the right strategic questions to improve or start your business.

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Executive Coaching

Life Coaching

A life coach helps you see the potential for you to achieve all that you desire. Through specific strategies and skills, the coach helps you define yourself and create the life you envision.
Coaches help you focus on your vision, help you set your compass, challenge your thought processes, and find motivation within yourself.

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Life Coaching

Group/Team Coaching

Group coaching is about creating action, decision and self-discovery within a group where the coach provides and encourages an exploratory and learning space among the members.

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Group/Team Coaching

Career Coaching

Clients looking for career coaching are aware of the difficulties in the
modern labour markets. You will likely be trying to find a new job,
advance up the corporate ladder or change fields completely.

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Career Coaching

Youth Coaching

Youth coaching is a branch of life coaching intended to encourage personal development in youth who may feel like they are stuck unable to envision their future life. Pressures of trying to fit-in and achieve can stress them out.

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Youth Coaching

Book a Discovery Session for Free

We offer a 30-minute Session so you can discover coaching for yourself

Why Choose Us?

We are professionally trained coaches who focus on building up clients mental fitness, positivity and inspiration using the latest technology and a 6-week Positive Intelligence program with scientifically proven results.

Trusted Professionals

As Certified Members of the ICF (International Coaching Federation) we subscribe to a set of Core Competencies that ensure a safe, structured, and trustworthy environment in which to offer support to the executive, individual, group or team.

Trusted Professionals

Ease of Access

We offer simple and straightforward methods of communication, coaching platforms and booking systems. You will find a wide range of availability to suit your busy schedule. Last minute appointments are usually available to get you moving forward quickly.

Ease of Access

Creative Solutions

According to the ICF, coaching is defined as a partnership with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. We focus on building up our clients mental fitness in a tailored program specific to their needs and desired outcomes.

Creative Solutions


As a team of Professional Coaches you have the opportunity to select the coach that feels right to you. Who you have the deepest connection to and therefore can offer your greatest results. You have the option to try a Discovery Session with more than one Coach on the Team before deciding where you belong.



An ICF survey reveals the following on the benefits of coaching:

Percent of Clients With Improved Self Confidence


Percent of Clients With Improved Relationships


Percent of Clients With Improved Communication Skills


Percent of Clients With Improved Work-Life Balance


Notable Quotes

Andreas’ Quotes

Sue’s Quotes

Fran’s Quotes

Thornley’s Quotes


Frequently asked questions or Questions and Answers are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic. The format is commonly used on email mailing lists and other online forums, where certain common questions tend to recur.

  • Why do I need a coach?

    A Coach plays an important role in your life. Here are a few of the reasons why you need one:

    > You're going through a big change or transition, such as a new career, returning to school, a divorce, a marriage, becoming a parent or moving to a new town/city.

    > You want more from life and what matters to you most.

    > You're willing to invest time, effort and money in yourself in order to start living your dreams.

    > You know that you have the potential to be so much more.

    > Your life, business, career, relationship, etc., are already going well, but you want it to be more.

    > You are still being challenged to find the best possible work/life balance.

    > You're a driven personality - a high achiever reaching for success.

    > You want a better quality of people in your life and your circle.

    > You want to make more money.

    > You want to take better care of yourself.

    > Your company needs more from its' Sales Team, Managers & Executives.

  • How do I choose a coach?

    Before you choose a coach, you should first be asking yourself what result you are hoping to get. Once you take stock of what you want, the best way to proceed is to look for a coach who: 

    offers a free orientation session to get to know one another.
    is easy to talk to and makes you feel comfortable.
    leaves you feeling inspired or even a little scared of your own potential.
    has shared values.
    leaves you eager to continue.
    has a positive energy you can relate with.
    listens carefully and deeply to what you say.
    understands business - if you are looking for a career, management or executive coach.
    fits into your budget.
    has a schedule that fits yours, in the format that suits you

  • What can a coach help me with?

    A coach works with you to find inspiration and reconnect with your values so that you can grow to your full potential. They help you to look beyond the obstacles, blockages, fears and gremlins that hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself. A coach is here to help you if you need to:

    transition through change.
    build confidence.
    improve your relationships.
    become a better communicator.
    rediscover or reach your dreams.
    regain balance.
    develop a purpose or meaning in life.
    find clarity.
    pursue or embrace change.
    stay accountable.
    do more, be more, want more.
    grow and succeed as a company

  • How do I work with my coach?

    Coaching is offered in various ways but not necessarily in all formats. With your permission, coaches might record your sessions, confidentially of course, in order to have a record for future sessions or to help you map your growth. You have the option to opt out at any time. Video sessions can be totally in audio format if you choose. You would be surprised to learn that most sessions are audio because visual distractions can be eliminated this way. Wherever you are, it's important to your experience to make sure you won't be interrupted during your sessions and you are comfortable in that setting. When choosing a coach, you should be asking what their options are for communicating: 

    In person
    Zoom, Webex, Skype, Facetime, AppearIn or other video formats
    At work when coaching businesses
    In a group

  • What does coaching cost?

    The real question is "What will it cost you not to have a coach?". What is finding a clear path to your own destiny worth to you? You shouldn't be asking yourself "Is coaching worth it?" you need to ask yourself "Am I worth it?". For a limited time, the group of coaches on Inspire Yourself is offering the following special pricing for individuals: 

    Free 30 minute discovery clarity call

    First session with any Coach:  "Pay what you may"

    (A monetary value of your choosing)  

    Additional one-off sessions with the same coach to be determined on an individual basis

    Package pricing:  
    150 minutes to be used at your discretion over 6 weeks $399 
    360 minutes to be used at your discretion over 12 weeks $999 

    Package prices to include limited text/e-mail support in between sessions  as arranged between individual coach and client.

    Packages allow you a priority choice of appointment times

    Group, Executive or Team coaching rates are quoted on a case-by-case basis. 

Client Testimonials

See what clients have to say:

M.B.Ontario, Canada

Thornley (Lee) is amazing, everything you share with her is in absolute confidence, there is no judgment, she talks to you in a way where you can clearly see your path again. She brings you to a place by your own's like she has a chainsaw and she brushes a path for you when all the trees and weeds are wrapping themselves around you. Like an onion peeler, gently peeling you back on layer at a time.

N.B.Communication Specialist

Working with Carla as a coach has been an incredible journey. Her ability to tune into the emotion and energy underneath the words and find meaning in what is being said is founded in her deep connection with every client. She creates and holds a space that is welcoming and safe to discuss any topic ranging from the deep dark stuff to the seemingly trivial issues that are nagging away at you. And the combination of Carla's background brings the perfect balance of logic and creativity to every session. I am happy to recommend Carla as a coach.

C.K.Ontario, Canada

Thornley (Lee) is the type of person who will listen without judgement. She helps you wade through the nothingness (all that stuff your brain has made into more than what it is) to get to the root of the problem or issues, all while never nudging you to lean toward any one decision. She helps your brain and heart work together rather than independently while working through everything.

K.F.Alberta, Canada

Sue listens with a clear mind who is not going to interrupt while speaking or answering specific questions. Sue asks open ended questions to ignite thought which aligns an opposite thought pattern from previous patterns of thought. Insightful,
Sue listens and asks open ended questions to ignite healthy thought to move forward in people’s lives from stagnancy

S.H.British Columbia

Francisca listens and hears what you are saying. She asks questions that help you to find your answers. When Francisca responds to you, the words she uses lets you know you have been heard. I recommend Fancisca for a coach. You will have a fantastic connection with her. She will help you find direction for your life, situation, or whatever area you want help with.

Reach Out To Us, Don't Wait Another Day!

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